When you consolidate your personal and business finances, your money is made to work harder, and therefore secures a higher return. We work closely with a company of FCA registered advisors who are able to provide a wide range of wealth management services.
At CBHC we love the details but we never lose focus on the big picture. We provide holistic wealth management services to help consolidate your personal and business wealth so your money works harder and you see greater returns.
Holistic Approach
Bigger Benefits
Because of this we offer an integrated approach to accountancy, ensuring that you benefit from the bigger financial picture, lifting the burden of personal finance planning and allowing you to focus on achieving your business objectives.
Wealth Management
Whether you have made your millions or are in the process of generating them, our strategic partners can help you capitalise on your personal wealth by creating a balanced asset portfolio, based on factors such as risk and period of investment.

Financial Security
Protecting you against the main threats to financial stability, our strategic partners are well placed to advise you of the best life assurance, critical illness cover, income and business protection policies available to suit you and your family’s specific requirements.
Mortgage Advice
As IFAs, our strategic partners are completely independent and can search the entire market for the deal offered by a trusted lender which best suits your personal circumstances, financial resources and plans for the future.

Retirement Planning
Our strategic partners provide guidance on corporate and personal pension planning and investments, starting with a review of your existing resources. From there they can help you create a portfolio which is reviewed annually so that no matter what else changes, your future is secure.
Estate Planning
Inadequate planning can lead to problems such as punitive tax charges or your estate not being transferred in accordance with your wishes. Our strategic partners can assist you through the implementation of insurance, trusts and tax efficient planning to ensure your wealth is passed on to your chosen beneficiaries.
Independent, impartial and transparent, you can rest assured that the advice our strategic partners provide always has your best interests at heart. Working on a fee basis offset by commission, means that the fee can be drawn from the commission made on your investments, and any surplus funds credited to your account.